Swap Books, Cartouche and a little bubble!

Had fun this week getting a few things out the door. My entry into ATASDA’s Cartouche exhibition went Friday so it better make it to Sydney by Thursday. Here’s the finished result:

The finished entry

The finished entry

Took heaps of photos as I may not see it again. Its all sparkly with metallic paint and silk fabric so it wasn’t that easy to get a shot of it. After that moved onto my swap book project with Barbara M from Adelaide. The progress so far is:

Barbara's Cover

Barbara's CoverMy Page in her book

I was trying hard to keep to her colours. Had to put a wash over my page to tone it down. Its going to be a process of slowing getting myself there. Barbara is trying out a different product on each of the pages she is doing to have a play with different mediums and materials.
My Page in Barbara's book

My Page in Barbara's book

Another group I belong to is doing a swapbook too. My cover for this is made out of stuff I had piled on my sewing table – all the offcuts from various things. Thus I have decided to call my book “fragments” and each person will be encouraged to use fragments from past projects to create their page and then write a little note on the back to say what the materials were from. Here’s the cover:


As usual its sparkly! Also reflects the colours I’m into at present – coppers, greens, black. I think this swapbook group is going to be very interesting!
Lastly I was well pleased with a little experiment I did for an upcoming piece on an old shipwreck. Got stuck into the puff paste and a bit of lutradur to produce…
Rust and ruin!

Rust and ruin!

Painted the background fabric for the art “quilt” and will now go forth and paste it. Love the texture of the rusting metal of the ship so that’s the base and over that will go a bit of machine embroidery. Think I am pushing the group’s definition of art “quilt” as I’m not that quilty really but I do have 3 layers and yes, some stitching will hold those 3 layers together!
Have a great week and a lovely Easter everyone. Looks like its going to rain heaps for us here in Brisbane. A traditional Easter downpour!

4 Responses to “Swap Books, Cartouche and a little bubble!”

  1. JudyG Says:

    Love your work Susan! The rust looks great. The 2QAQ definition of an art quilt is a fibre or mixed media piece of two or more layers held together in some way. Your group may have a different definition but I think it will qualify as an art quilt. Keep up the good work!

  2. susaneta Says:

    Thanks Judy,
    Yes, the group’s definition is different so I had to use 3 layers instead of my usual 2. I’m still working on what will be the focal point of the piece as the lovely textured background will be interesting but the eye needs a resting point. The rust sample looks better in real life – looks a bit mutilated here!

  3. Donna Davis Says:

    working on my rusty wreck too sue, using lots of your paste etc….. having fun

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