Archive for April, 2007

Tyvek Tales 2

April 10, 2007

Here is the bracelet I made for myself on a bed of crusty tyvek. All made using the lightweight version of the material.


I am now stitching beads over the crusty tyvek so the results will be published in due course.

Tyvek Bracelet

April 10, 2007

Been playing around with Tyvek beads and made them into a bracelet which my daughter loved so she made one too. Very impressed that she had the patience to do 3/4 of the job as she’s only 5. Here’s the result.


TAST: Bonnet Stitch

April 10, 2007

Here is a bit of Bonnet Stitch on some needle felted fabric. Been busy dyeing fabric, painting doors (can you believe 10 of them!! – whose idea was it to replace all the doors around our house….) and making silk paper.


Missed knotted creten as couldn’t get it to work! Looking forward to a bit of oyster stitch next.