Archive for August, 2009


August 31, 2009

My mother-in-law’s been cleaning out the closets and passed a few treasures on to me. Firstly we have a hankerchief from Eqypt, brought back from from World War 1 by her father.


Its on very fine silk and is a little worse for wear for the number of years old it is. Now I’m going to have to find out how to appropriately conserve this piece. Here’s a close up detail…


Next I was given a shawl from her mother’s trip to the UK by boat forty years ago. Its a very pretty number with lots of silver thread.


In better condition than the hankerchief but with a couple of small moth holes.  Here’s a detail…


And lastly a little treasure trove of Buttons! I love buttons they can add so much to a mixed media piece or ATC or be the artwork in an inchie. A few interesting antique ones in this lot.


In the meanwhile ‘ve mulling over a bit of autumn.My next swapbook page is about it so here’s what I’ve been thinking so far…


May end up stitching over it too. It needs a bit of a lift. Its designed to be 13.5 cm square to fit the little swap books we have. In the meantime I’ve been playing with a bit of Pearl Ex in its watercolour form to see what it can do. Results in the next blog.

August happenings…

August 28, 2009

This month’s Reddy Art Quilters challenge involved swapping a piece of fabric that you love with another member of the group. Only thing is that our tastes are widely different!! So what one loves, the other sometimes wonders about!  I recieved what looks like Christmas fabric – gold lines over that kind of emerald green. Eeek! What will I do?  And then I happen to turn it over…

August Challenge
August Challenge
And the back was really interesting! (Original fabirc to left, back is green fabric under blue sheet of paper). So I had a bit of a play with some colour diffusing paper and paint. The nature of the paper means that watercolour paint travels a long way in it and it has a very fabric like texture to it.  It is also very robust as I painted a few pieces and even when it was saturated with water it was still a very strong paper and acted like fabric.  Its also almost translucent like, with the paint going through to both sides opening up possibilities to do something more 3D with it.
I then used Transfer Artist paper to transfer a few words reflecting my play session. The paper will be fixed to the green fabric and then I think I’ll paint a few highlights and have a go doing a bit of stitching over it all. The advantage of using the TAP is now the paper is sealed with polymer and thus will be a bit more water resistant. NOT that I’m ever going to wash this piece!!
Just thought of something…is a quilt still a quilt if its framed? Or does that negate its quilty-ness? Just thought of doing a paper quilt but its fragility may mean framing would be the best thing.
Anyhoo – time to play!

August ARTion…

August 3, 2009
Marbeling, saltwork and some drizzel painting

Marbeling, saltwork and some drizzel painting

Been doing a bit of painting. The weather is beautiful here at present, cool in the evening and warm during the day. Just right for painting and dyeing. Its good to get a heap of backgrounds together then when I want to do something I have the raw materials to get straight into it.